Monday, February 20, 2006

Tanzania -- on the Island

We stayed with friends on the island of Zanzibar in a lovely house right on the beach! We were able to spend leisurely mornings on the upper level of their patio under a thatched roof. The breeze off the Indian Ocean was cool and refreshing. Our friend took us on a walking tour of Stone Town. Buildings are so close together it doesn't look like you could get a car in there, but some of the streets were open to traffic!

I just had to include a photo of the spectacular sunset!

And one of the beach on the east coast of the island! I know, we are really suffering!

The beach in front of our friends' home was covered with the nets of the local fishermen. They spent most of the days we were there mending their nets. It was easy to imagine I was observing fishermen from centuries ago. Their voices were audible, but didn't disturb the peace of the scene before me.

1 comment:

Blythe Lane said...

Hey Bob & Sandie! Am really enjoying getting to see Africa directly from the comfort of my oversized chair! :-) Loving the pics and praying for you both!